Friday, September 6, 2013

Friday, September 6

All the FCS News That Is the News This Week
FCS' Newsletter is updated each Friday

“For this reason also, since the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience; joyously giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light.”


(Use the scroll bar at the right to navigate to each division's news)

Congratulations to our Paladins on their win last Friday against Lakeview Academy! Thanks to all who came out for the game and joined the Tailgate fun before the game. TONIGHT our Paladins play @ Towns County. Keep our team in your prayers as they travel and let's go Paladins!!

to the winners of our New Family Give-Away which was held during the tailgating last week. The DeLatte family won a gripper bottle. John DeLatte is in 5th grade. The White family won a tumbler. PJ White is in 6th grade and Sarah White is in 10th grade. Welcome to all our new families!

Beginning today, September 6, there will be NO 3:45 pm Crossfit class on Fridays. Also, as of today, the afternoon Paladin Center shuttle will no longer run on Fridays.

ALUMNI AWARD WINNERS...where are  you?
The FCS Athletic Department is seeking help from all our Paladin fans in building a comprehensive list of Paladin alumni who received All-Region or All-State honors in one or more varsity sports while attending FCS as well as the names of Paladin athletes who continued their playing career  at the collegiate level. Please provide the name(s), graduation year, sport(s), relevant honor(s) and current contact information of the athlete to Sports Information Director John Heid, johnheid68@gmail.comRead more...

Tuesdays and Thursdays for the first three weeks in September seniors will be selling Smoothie King smoothies. Look for senior students in the lower parking lot at the elementary school and in the concession area in the middle/high school. The cost of a smoothie is $3.00.  Flavors are strawberry banana, strawberry kiwi, and strawberry lemonade. Thanks for supporting our seniors as they raise money for their senior trip!

MS and HS student and class pictures will be Thursday, September 26; 
ES student and class pictures will be Friday, September 27. 
Our new school photographer, Scholastic Image Solutions, will be here. Check out their website,

FCS 62" Vented Golf Umbrella, 16 oz. Tumbler and 30 oz. Gripper Bottle are available for purchase. Order forms can be found on the Forms page of our website. 

Every Wednesday, 6:00 -7:30 am, HS Room 103. What is Biblical Manhood? Join the group of FCS dads as we bring Men's Fraternity to Fellowship. Robert Lewis, author of "Raising a Modern Day Knight", offers a weekly curriculum for us to use as we join together as Christian men, hold each other accountable, and strengthen our faith to be better men, husbands, and fathers. This is the "men's group" you've been looking for. Learn more and sign up at FCS Men's Fraternity blog.

Thanks to all our wonderful FCS families and friends, we set another record level of participation in last year's annual fund drive. We raised nearly $500,000 and received 100% participation from faculty/staff and 87% participation from our parents! Watch this video to see how your donations were put to good use and stay tuned for information about this year's Fellowship fund and how you can participate.

2012-2013 YEARBOOKS are available in the school offices. All K-8th grade  families from last year receive one complimentary copy. Each 9-12th grade student from last year receives a complimentary copy. Additional books are $50 each.

We want FCS Alumni News. Your help is needed in finding out about our graduates....Where are they now? What have they been up to since graduating from FCS? Send digital high res photos and information to  

Here is some fun news from ESPNw about FCS 2012 graduate Kaleigh Carpenter 

CLICK ON THE NEWS AND RESOURCES  tab above for updated daily news about Fellowship.

Our middle and high school students have a lot of extra curricular activities available. Take a look on the website under the Middle or High tab above then click Student Life. Use the fly out tab to go directly to the program of your choice. 

Little Paladins, Big Pride

Congratulations to our Paladins on their win last Friday! Thanks to all who came out to join the Tailgate fun before the game. We appreciate your support of the Bruster's Ice Cream truck which helped us raise $196 for our FCS Senior Class trip. 

To help our students develop a routine, please wait until September 23 to join your child for lunch at school.

Friday, September 27, Movie on the Lawn sponsored by the ES PTF. Bring your picnic blanket and popcorn. We will gather on the Green Acre for food, fellowship, and a fun flick. There will be games and prizes; the Kona Ice truck will be there and attendees will receive dress-down passes. Time and other awesome details will be announced shortly. "What's the movie?", you ask. We must keep it a secret for now, but here's a hint...You may want to bring your umbrella, but don't worry about getting wet!

Bless our ES music teacher: You may not realize this; our ES music teacher, Melanie Baxley doesn't get to keep her classroom over the weekend as it is needed for FBC Sunday school. Every Friday afternoon Miss Baxley must pack up every single thing in her room and move it through the halls to the library to store for the weekend. Every Monday morning, she unpacks it all again. She never complains a peep. We would like to bless her by arranging volunteers who will help her on Friday afternoons (about 2:40-3:00 pm) and Monday mornings, about 7:30-7:45 am. If you can offer your time, please contact Kathy Schmidt, (Shhhh! Miss Baxley doesn't know we are posting this!)

Be the Laminator: Cheri Albright, our Edison Project coordinator, would love some assistance with laminating projects next week. If you are available to help, please email Cheri, Thank you to all our incredible parents who serve our school, faculty and staff so generously!

GP Day Hall Hostesses: ES needs 6-8 volunteers for Grandparents' Day on Monday, October 14 to greet our grandparents, direct them to the auditorium, and help them find their grandchild's classroom. Please email Stephanie Kirkley, If you can help in this capacity. To volunteer in your child's classroom on Grandparents' Day, contact your Room Mom.

This year we are encouraging our ES Room Moms and volunteers to utilize for all classroom events. This fantastic tool cuts down on the workload for our Room Moms, reduces the number of emails to you, and allows our teachers to easily track how things are coming together for various events. We think you will love it, too! If you are not familiar with SignUp Genius, please take a moment to visit the site and register. It's free and they won't share your information.

Friday, September 27 - Picture Day
September 30 thru October 4 - Spirit Week
Friday, October 4 - Homecoming
Monday, October 14 - Grandparents' Day, ES only dismissed @ 12 noon
Tuesday, October 15 - Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night

Monday, September 9, 6:30-8:30 pm, Lecture Hall Room 109This is a required meeting for at least one parent of each 7th grade student. Critical information and required paperwork for this trip will be covered and handed out. Please make plans to attend.

Tuesday, September 10 is the deadline to claim any camp items from Lost and Found. After Tuesday, items will be donated to charity.

We are looking forward to seeing our parents at these events. Come meet other grade level parents, ask questions and sign up to volunteer. Please note a change in the location.
7th grade - Friday, September 13, 8:00 am, Room 108
8th grade - Friday, September 20, 8:00 am, Room 108

Friday, September 13, no later than 3:30 pm, the initial $250 deposit for the 8th grade Washington, DC trip is due. A late fee of $30 will be applied after this due date/time. All payments should be given to Mr. Fickley or the front office. Of course, your payment will be accepted prior to September 13.

Friday and Saturday, September 13-14. We will depart from the ES parking lot Friday at 8:00 am and return Saturday night at 9:00 pm. Cost is $65.00 per person, due before Tuesday, September 10. Make checks payable to FCS and turn them in to Coach Hughes. A portion of this hike will be on the Appalachian Trail of North Carolina for a mountain top adventure. The hike will be a total of 15 miles with 360 degree views most of the time. Trip details and a sign-up form can be found on the FCS website under Middle School Student Life.

Thursday, September 26, beginning at 7:30 am, followed by class pictures.

Where are we going? Breckenridge, Colorado. When: February 13-17, during FCS's winter break. The trip is open to all MS and HS students; cost is $1500 per student. This covers round trip airfare on AirTran, ground transportation, lodging, ski rentals (snowboarders will have an extra upgrade cost of $25), lift tickets, and all breakfasts and lunches. Space is limited to the first 25 to turn in the $300 deposit. Deposits will not be accepted until the conclusion of the informational meeting on September 3. A waiting list will be formed after the 25 spots are filled, and spots may be opened depending on age and gender (for rooming assignments). Adults may join the trip as chaperones or as parallel guests (outside our 25). Our agent in Breckenridge is working up individual rates. There will be more information regarding adult guests at the information meeting. Chaperone spots are dependent on the gender needs, and will be announced after the sign ups are complete. Questions? Contact Trip Hughes,

For your convenience, a dropbox is located in the office lobby, just inside the front entrance of the middle/high school building. Feel free to briefly pull up to the curb to drop off any items in this box.

Each school day at 3:25 pm bus transportation is provided to the Paladin Center for student-athletes .

HS students and parents must enter through the main entrance. MS and HS students may enter through the HS entrance together.

Tuesday, September 10, 3:30 pm is the deadline for students interested in running for Freshman class student government positions to submit application packets. 

Tuesday, September 10, 7:00 pm, Room 202. Informational Meeting for those interested in going on the mission trip to DR over Christmas break (December 27-January 4) or over spring break. Questions? Contact Kirk Bullington, 

Friday and Saturday, September 13-14. We will depart from the ES parking lot Friday at 8:00 am and return Saturday night at 9:00 pm. Cost is $65.00 per person, due before Tuesday, September 10. Make checks payable to FCS and give them to Coach Hughes. A portion of this hike will be on the Appalachian Trail of North Carolina for a mountain top adventure. The hike will be a total of 15 miles with 360 degree views most of the time. Trip details and a sign-up form can be found on the FCS website under High School Student Life.

Fees due by Friday, September 13 for students taking AP classes, including AP Art. The fee is $75 per class. This is not to be confused with the $81 test fee that will be collected in the spring for the AP exam.

Saturdays, September 14, 21, and 28. The information flyer can be found on the Forms page of the FCS website. Students must have completed one year of Geometry prior to registering for the course. Instruction time will include extensive concept reviews with specific tips, proven test-taking strategies, and practice! Read more...

Tuesday, September 17, all freshmen and sophomores will take the PLAN test. Parents, please avoid making appointments on this date for your students.

Senior Parents, ACT NOW to save on a Yearbook Senior Tribute (YST)! Beginning September 20 YST will be offered for $100/half page or $60/quarter page. RESERVE NOW to save 25%. That's $75/half page and $45/quarter page. Email by September 19; use the code "Save Now"; indicate the size you desire. Details about what and how to submit will be emailed to you in mid-October.

September 12, 8:00 am, Room 108 Sophomore Parent Coffee
September 19, 8:00 am, Room 108 Junior Parent Coffee
September 24, 6:30 pm, Room 109 - Senior Parent Meeting
September 24, 6:30 pm, Room 108 - Junior Parent Meeting with Guidance Counselor
September 24, 7:15 pm, Room 109 -College Financial Aid Meeting

Thursday, September 26, beginning at 7:30 am, followed by class pictures.

High school students interested in Robotics, see Coach Rice.

Where are we going? Breckenridge, Colorado. When: February 13-17, during FCS's winter break. The trip is open to all MS and HS students; cost is $1500 per student. This covers round trip airfare on AirTran, ground transportation, lodging, ski rentals (snowboarders will have an extra upgrade cost of $25), lift tickets, and all breakfasts and lunches. Space is limited to the first 25 to turn in the $300 deposit. Deposits will not be accepted until the conclusion of the informational meeting on September 3. A waiting list will be formed after the 25 spots are filled, and spots may be opened depending on age and gender (for rooming assignments). Adults may join the trip as chaperones or as parallel guests (outside our 25). Our agent in Breckenridge is working up individual rates. There will be more information regarding adult guests at the information meeting. Chaperone spots are dependent on the gender needs, and will be announced after the sign ups are complete. Questions? Contact Trip Hughes,

For your convenience, a dropbox is located in the office lobby, just inside the front entrance of the middle/high school building. Feel free to briefly pull up to the curb to drop off any items in this box.

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