Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday, September 13

All the FCS News That Is the News This Week
FCS' Newsletter is updated each Friday

“For this reason also, since the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience; joyously giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light.”


(Use the scroll bar at the right to navigate to each division's news)

Congratulations to our Paladins on their three wins!  Our varsity football team triumphed over Towns County last week with a 49-14 win. TONIGHT we play @ Oglethorpe County HS. Prayer for our team's safe travel and their play to be as unto our Lord. You rock, Paladins!! Have a GREAT game!

Every Tuesday, 8:00-9:00 am, in the Hitting Facility. All K4-12 grade moms are encouraged to join our chapter of Moms In Prayer International to pray for our school, our FCS families, and most importantly, for our children. This is a wonderful hour of praise, thanksgiving and intercession. Questions? Contact Ginger Dannemiller,

Every Wednesday, 2:30 pm; this coming Wednesday, September 18, meet at the outdoor schoolroom by the birdhouses, next to the HS building. All parents, grandparents, and those affiliated with FCS who have a desire to pray are invited to participate. Prayer walking is an interactive way to do the critical task of spiritually interceding for our school. It's one way to take our prayers to the very places we desire to see God's work. Week to week the meeting place may change as well as the format for our walks. There is no pressure to pray out loud; many times we intercede silently as we walk. Questions? Contact Kimberly Schmidt,; call/text 770.597.8404

ALUMNI AWARD WINNERS...where are you
The FCS Athletic Department is seeking help from all our Paladin fans in building a comprehensive list of Paladin alumni who received All-Region or All-State honors in one or more varsity sports while attending FCS as well as the names of Paladin athletes who continued their playing career  at the collegiate level. Please provide the name(s), graduation year, sport(s), relevant honor(s) and current contact information of the athlete to Sports Information Director John Heid, johnheid68@gmail.comRead more...

Tuesday and Thursday, September 17 & 19 are the last two days seniors will be selling Smoothie King smoothies. Look for senior students in the lower parking lot at the elementary school and in the concession area in the middle/high school. The cost of a smoothie is $3.00.  Flavors are strawberry banana, strawberry kiwi, and strawberry lemonade. Thanks for supporting our seniors as they raise money for their senior trip!

MS and HS student and class pictures will be Thursday, September 26; 
ES student and class pictures will be Friday, September 27. 

Our new school photographer, Scholastic Image Solutions, has been around school taking photos of several events. Photos will be available for sale online this weekend. Go to their website,, to see them. Use your email address and the password "paladins2013".

2012-2013 YEARBOOKS are available in the school officesAll K-8th grade  families from last year receive one complimentary copy. Each 9-12th grade student from last year receives a complimentary copy. Additional books are $50 each.

There will be NO 3:45 pm Crossfit class on Fridays. All other classes on Friday remain as scheduled.

Little Paladins, Big Pride

For the security of your child and ALL our students, it is school policy that everyone must be given entry at the buzzer door individually. Therefore, if a teacher, parent  or anyone is buzzed in before you, please understand they CANNOT let you in until you are seen and recognized via the door camera by the person at the front desk.

This week students who completed their Summer Bridge Activity books were awarded a 100% Fruit Pop by Mrs. Teston and the ES PTF. That's 155 pops to 155 students! Congratulations for a job well done!

Thursday and Friday, September 19 and 20,  the afternoon carpool will be temporarily rerouted. Entry will still be from either Woodstock or Crossville Roads, however, dismissal will be from the buzzer door side of the building. Students will be held in Room 169 (the lunchroom). Teachers will assist in lining up cars, but EVERYONE WILL HAVE TO EXIT AT WOODSTOCK ROAD. The asphalt drive by the playground has an expanding dip which is causing problems and will be worked on during these two days. It may also become necessary to drop students off on Friday at the back of the building. We will let you know ASAP if this happens. Thank you for your patience and cooperation during this temporary carpool change.

Friday, September 27, 5:30 pm, Movie on the Lawn sponsored by the ES PTF. Enjoy a fun flick and fellowship on the Green Acre. This year's movie night is even bigger and better (and easier on Mom), with options for purchasing dinner and snacks, along with games and prizes, and perhaps a surprise or two! Here is this week's hint about our movie...just unscramble "dexcitersiiflicaagupsltiliiapsooiuc"! 

Friday, October 4, Homecoming Game and Tailgating with KISS in mind (Keep it Simple and Stress free!) Our Homecoming Tailgate is all about Fellowship, Family, stress-Free, and FUN! All FCS families are invited to come enjoy this evening. Make it as simple as a picnic for your family or as elaborate as potluck for several families. If a burger at the game, to support our Booster Club, is your style, that's terrific! It's a no requirements, no expectations tailgating night. Just have a blast as we support and cheer on our fantastic Paladins! See you there!

Monday, October 14 is Grandparents' Day
RSVP by Friday, September 27
Invitations to Grandparents' Day are coming home in students' Friday Folder today. Pass along the invitations to grandparents and those who will stand in for them. Give your RSVPs to your child's homeroom teacher. If your child does not have grandparents who are able to attend, another family member or friend may be invited in their place. Click invitation or go to  the Forms page of the FCS website.

Grandparents' Day chapel begins at 9:30 am, all guests and parents are welcome to attend. At 10:15 am grandparents are invited to visit in their grandchild's (-ren's) classroom(s). Due to space limitations, only parents volunteering in the classrooms will be able to stay after chapel. Grandparents' Day is an elementary school only celebration this year and is a half-day of school for elementary students.

Way. To. Go. FCS! Over 3000 Box Tops and 500 L4E were collected in our first competition! Avery Young and Ginny Thompson, both from Mrs. Wideman's class, each won a new spirit shirt. Thanks to the Booster Club for donating the spirit shirt prizes. Our next competition begins September 16. We're raffling two large bags filled with Box Top goodies. The raffle will take place at Movie Night, September 27. Raffle tickets can be purchased for 10 Box Tops or $1.00.

Got 2.6 minutes? Register your Kroger Plus Card and start earning money for FCS!
1. Every time you check out FCS will receive a percentage of your purchase
2. Visit to create an account
3. On Account Summary Page, go to Community Rewards, add Fellowship Christian School
4. Use the number on your Kroger Plus Card or an alternate ID/phone number

Bless Miss Baxley: You may not realize this; our ES music teacher, Melanie Baxley doesn't get to keep her classroom in tact over the weekend as it is needed for FBC Sunday school. Every Friday afternoon Miss Baxley must pack up every single thing in her room and move it through the halls to the library to store for the weekend. Every Monday morning, she unpacks it all again. She never complains a peep. We would like to bless her by arranging volunteers who will help her on Friday afternoons (about 2:40-3:00 pm) and Monday mornings, about 7:30-7:45 am. If you can offer your time, please contact Kathy Schmidt, (Shhhh! Miss Baxley doesn't know we are posting this!)

GP Day Hall Hostesses: ES needs 6-8 volunteers for Grandparents' Day on Monday, October 14 to greet our grandparents, direct them to the auditorium, and help them find their grandchild's classroom. Please email Stephanie Kirkley, If you can help in this capacity. To volunteer in your child's classroom on Grandparents' Day, contact your Room Mom.

To help our students develop a routine, please wait until September 23 to join your child for lunch at school.

Friday, September 27 - Picture Day
September 30 thru October 4 - Spirit Week
Friday, October 4 - Homecoming
Monday, October 14 - Grandparents' Day, ES only dismissed @ 12 noon
Tuesday, October 15 - Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night

TODAY, Friday, September 13, no later than 3:30 pm, the initial $250 deposit for the 8th grade Washington, DC trip is due. A late fee of $30 will be applied after this due date/time. All payments should be handed in to Mr. Fickley or the front office.

Please re-send any attendance correspondence which was sent during the last 3 days to the new middle school attendance email - There was an error in receiving it, the error has now been corrected. Thank you and we are sorry for this inconvenience.

TODAY through October 17, bring in those Box Tops collected over the summer. Place them in a Ziploc bag with your student's name and grade written on it, then put the bag in the designated bin set up in the office. At the end of the bonanza, the family collecting the most Box Tops will win some awesome Box Top goodies and a gift card to a local restaurant.  Box Top for Education labels are found on many everyday grocery items such as Betty Crocker, Pillsbury  Old El Paso, General Mills and Ziploc products. It takes just a moment to clip off the label and start collecting them for our school. Remember the deadline to turn in Box Tops is Friday, October 17.

Friday, September 20, 8:00 am, Room 108. Our Parent Coffees have gone very well. We are looking forward to seeing our 8th grade parents at this event. Come meet other grade level parents, ask questions and sign up to volunteer. 

Beginning Friday, September 27, 7:00-9:00 pm. Middle and high school mothers and daughters are invited to participate in this unique format designed to build closer relationship with each other and Christ through a study of Matthew. This Bible study will be led and hosted by Angie Dragt. For more information and to RSVP, contact Jacinda Kolosna, or 770-289-1444.

Monday-Friday, 3:15-5:15 pm, Media Center, students grade 6-12. Anyone picked up after 5:15 pm will be charged one dollar per minute.

Thursday, September 26, beginning at 7:30 am, followed by class pictures.

MS October-November Friday Pizza order forms are available on the Forms page of the FCS website and are due no later than Thursday, September 26.

Friday, October 11, 8:50 am, Gym 1 MS/HS Joint Chapel. Alex Nsengimana, a "full-circle Operation Christmas Child (OCC) speaker", will be our guest. Alex received an OCC shoebox as a child in an orphanage and now works for the ministry sharing Christ here and around the world. At age 5, Alex's entire family was murdered during the 100-day genocide in Rwanda. He ultimately landed in an orphanage where he heard about Christ through Operation Christmas Child. It was a long journey to accepting Christ for him, but now he travels as a speaker sharing a message of forgiveness through Jesus. Alex is an amazing young man. He has almost finished seminary and plans to return to Rwanda. He met the man who murdered his family, expressed forgiveness and shared the Gospel with him. Come meet Alex at chapel and hear his incredible testimony.

NO HALF DAY - Monday, October 14 is a full day of school for MS and HS. 

When: February 13-17, during FCS' winter break
Where: Breckenridge, Colorado
Who: Open to all MS and HS students - there are only seven spaces remaining
How much: $1500 per student. This covers round trip airfare on AirTran, ground transportation, lodging, ski rentals (snowboarders will have an extra upgrade cost of $25), lift tickets, and all breakfasts and lunches.

A waiting list will be formed after the spaces are filled, and spots may be opened depending on age and gender for rooming requirements. Adults who would like to join the trip may do so as chaperones or as a parallel guest. Chaperone spots are dependent on the gender need. Questions? Contact Trip Hughes,

HS students and parents must enter through the main entrance. MS and HS students may enter through the HS entrance together.

    Fees due TODAY Friday, September 13 for students taking AP classes, including AP Art. The fee is $75 per class. This is not to be confused with the $81 test fee that will be collected in the spring for the AP exam.

    TODAY through October 17, bring in those Box Tops collected over the summer. Place them in a Ziploc bag with your student's name and grade written on it, then put the bag in the designated bin set up in the office. At the end of the bonanza, the family collecting the most Box Tops will win some awesome Box Top goodies and a gift card to a local restaurant.  Box Top for Education labels are found on many everyday grocery items such as Betty Crocker, Pillsbury  Old El Paso, General Mills and Ziploc products. It takes just a moment to clip off the label and start collecting them for our school. Remember the deadline to turn in Box Tops is Friday, October 17.

    Players and Coaches of the month for August are:
    Football:  Player - Hunter Bryant, Senior   Coach - Al Morrell
    Volleyball:  Player - Anna Joy Baumann, Junior   Coach - Leah Smith

    For FCS Athletic information, go to the Athletic Page on the FCS website and follow @PaladinSports on Twitter

    Girls interested in basketball cheerleading see Mrs. Ott at your earliest convenience.

    Congratulations! Our Fencing Club competed in their first Georgia High School Fencing Competition this past weekend and beat Centennial and Lassiter High Schools. Students interested in joining the FCS Fencing Club may join them for practice every Monday, 6:30 pm at the Paladin Center. Questions? Contact Jodi Wallace, faculty sponsor,

    Tuesday, September 17, all freshmen and sophomores will take the PLAN test. Parents, please make sure your students arrive to school on time and with a #2 pencil. Also, avoid making appointments for your students during first through third periods on this date.

    Senior Parents, ACT NOW to save on a Yearbook Senior Tribute (YST)! Beginning September 20 YST will be offered for $100/half page or $60/quarter page. RESERVE NOW to save 25%. That's $75/half page and $45/quarter page. Email by September 19; use the code "Save Now"; indicate the size you desire. Details about what and how to submit it will be emailed to you in mid-October.

    Saturdays, September 14, 21, and 28. The information flyer can be found on the Forms page of the FCS website. Students must have completed one year of Geometry prior to registering for the course. Instruction time will include extensive concept reviews with specific tips, proven test-taking strategies, and practice! Read more...

    Mascot tryouts - Any Junior or Senior wishing to try out for the mascot must see Coach Smith by Wednesday, September 19. You will be assigned a try-out time on Monday, September 23. Go Paladins!

    Interested in going on the mission trip to DR over Christmas break (December 29-January 6)? Pick up information in the office. Deadline to sign up is Friday, September 20. Questions? Contact Kirk Bullington,

    Congratulations to our new National Honor Society candidates announced this week by the Fellowship NHS chapter. The list has been posted and students have been instructed through morning announcements to check for their name and pick up their application from Ms Topham in Room 108. Applications are due Friday, September 20. 

    Freshman and Sophomore parents note the PLAN TEST info above.
    College Visits 
    The following colleges will be visiting our campus
    Friday, today, September 13 - University of Alabama and Mississippi State University
    Wednesday, September 18 - Berry College and Georgia Regents University
    Monday, September 23 - Samford University and Auburn University
    Junior Parent Meeting
    Tuesday, September 24, 6:30 pm, Room 108. Guidance Counselor Susie Pridmore will host this informational meeting for all parents of our junior students. She will address important issues and deadlines for these students, as well as answer questions regarding the next two years. This beneficial meeting will last approximately 30 minutes.
    College Financial Aid Meeting
    Tuesday, September 24, 7:15 pm, Room 109. All high school parents are invited to attend this very informative meeting to hear Ben Meadows of the Georgia Student Finance Commission discuss college finances. Make plans now to attend

    Saturday, September 21 the wrestling team will be hosting a white water rafting trip on the Ocoee River. See Coach Brown, Room 106 for details.

    HS October-November Friday Pizza order forms are available on the Forms page of the school website and are due no later than Thursday, September 26.

    Thursday, September 26, beginning at 7:30 am, followed by class pictures.

    Students wishing to earn GO hours (community service hours) may sign-up in the office to volunteer at the elementary school Movie Night on Friday, September 27 from 5:00-9:30 pm. The event will take place on the Green Acre, and students will help man tables for games, food and giveaways!

    4 Trailers to transform into Homecoming floats! If you have a trailer and are willing to share it for a great cause, contact Gale Blanton, 404-317-1709 or ASAP. The trailers will remain on school property during the week of September 30.

    Friday, October 11, 8:50 am, Gym 1 MS/HS Joint Chapel. Alex Nsengimana, a "full-circle Operation Christmas Child (OCC) speaker", will be our guest. Alex received an OCC shoebox as a child in an orphanage and now works for the ministry sharing Christ here around the world. At age 5, Alex's entire family was murdered during the 100-day genocide in Rwanda. He ultimately landed in an orphanage where he heard about Christ through Operation Christmas Child. It was a long journey to accepting Christ for him, but now he travels as a speaker sharing a message of forgiveness through Jesus. Alex is an amazing young man. He has almost finished seminary and plans to return to Rwanda. He has met the man who murdered his family, expressing forgiveness and shared the Gospel with him. Come meet Alex at chapel and hear his incredible testimony.

    NO HALF DAY - Monday, October 14 is a full day of school for HS and MS. 

    High school students interested in Robotics, see Coach Rice.

    When: February 13-17, during FCS' winter break
    Where: Breckenridge, Colorado
    Who: Open to all MS and HS students - there are only seven spaces remaining
    How much: $1500 per student. This covers round trip airfare on AirTran, ground transportation, lodging, ski rentals (snowboarders will have an extra upgrade cost of $25), lift tickets, and all breakfasts and lunches.

    A waiting list will be formed after the spaces are filled, and spots may be opened depending on age and gender for rooming requirements. Adults who would like to join the trip may do so as chaperones or as a parallel guest. Chaperone spots are dependent on the gender need. Questions? Contact Trip Hughes,

    Remember to check the Lost and Found cabinet next to Gym 2 for missing items. Found jewelry, electronics, and eyeglasses are in the office. Items still unclaimed from the HS Retreat include an air mattress, sleeping bag, and two black jackets. Contact the office to claim these.

    Monday-Friday, 3:15-5:15 pm, Media Center, students grade 6-12. Anyone picked up after 5:15 pm will be charged one dollar per minute.

    September 19, 8:00 am, Room 108 Junior Parent Coffee
    September 24, 6:30 pm, Room 109 - Senior Parent Meeting
    September 25 - See You at the Pole
    October 4 - Homecoming Football Game
    October 5 - Homecoming Dance

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