Friday, October 4, 2013

Friday, October 4

All the FCS News That Is the News This Week
FCS' Newsletter is updated each Friday

“For this reason also, since the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience; joyously giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light.”


(Use the scroll bar at the right to navigate to each division's news)

Friday, October 4 - TODAY! 
2:00 pm Elementary students begin the festivities with their own parade from the ES to Paladin Field with fire engines and sirens!
2:15-3:10 pm All School Pep Rally on Paladin FieldBe sure to be in the stands before 2:15 so not to miss the parade following the ES onto Paladin Field. (Elementary students will dismiss from the Pep Rally at 2:40 for carpool.)
6:45 pm Homecoming Parade: Homecoming parade sponsored by our MS/HS PTF and SGA featuring floats from each class and our Homecoming Court riding in convertibles will be featured. Homecoming King and Queen will be crowned during half-time.
7:30 pm Homecoming Game, Fellowship vs Whitefield Academy. Tailgating and everything that goes along with football! Fellowship, family, stress-free and fun! It's a no requirements, no expectations tailgating night. Just have a blast as we support and cheer on our fantastic Paladins! FCS Alumni will be admitted without charge to the game.

Come cheer on the Paladins and support the senior class at the same time! Seniors will be selling hand-made shakers crafted from recycled materials and decorated with 
Fellowship colors. Look for the seniors at the game, get your shaker and MAKE SOME NOISE! GO PALADINS!

Tuesday, October 8, 5:00 pm, Gym 1. Fellowship will host the first round of the Area Volleyball Tournament. This is a big event for FCS so come out to cheer on our Paladin volleyball teams as we host Kings' Ridge, Mount Vernon and Pinecrest. 

Our Paladin spirit wear store has moved! It is now located in the Athletic Office. It is open daily 7:30 am - 4:00 pm. Please use the entrance off the back deck. 

Friday, October 11, 8:50 am, Gym 1 MS/HS Joint Chapel. All parents of ES, MS and HS are invited to this chapel. Because of the nature of the talk elementary students will not attend. Alex Nsengimana, a "full-circle Operation Christmas Child (OCC) speaker", will be our guest. Alex received an OCC shoebox as a child in an orphanage and now works for the ministry sharing Christ around the world. At age 5, Alex's entire family was murdered during the 100-day genocide in Rwanda. He ultimately landed in an orphanage where he heard about Christ through Operation Christmas Child. It was a long journey to accepting Christ for him, but now he travels as a speaker sharing a message of forgiveness through Jesus. Alex is an amazing young man. He has almost finished seminary and plans to return to Rwanda. He met the man who murdered his family, expressed forgiveness and shared the Gospel with him. Come meet Alex at chapel and hear his incredible testimony.

Thursdays, beginning October 17, 10:00 am, outside the MS/HS front officePlease invite family and friends interested in enrolling in FCS to join the admissions team for a tour of our school. Don't forget, applications will be accepted for the 2014-2015 school year beginning November 1 and sibling applicants will be given priority during the month. Contact Shelly Martin at 770-641-6816 if you have questions.

What's been going on around Fellowship this fall? Our school photographer, Scholastic Image Solutions, has made a video of sports action shots for your preview.  These photos and many more are available for sale on their website, Use your email address and the password "paladins2013"

Want to see what's been happening during SPIRIT WEEK? Take a look at all the NewsPhotos and see the Powder Puff Game on the Fellowship Website.

Little Paladins, Big Pride

That's all we can say along with our thanks! We are thrilled so many friends and families were there; the food was delicious and the prizes awesome! Thank you to all who helped make this our biggest and best movie night ever! Over 350 attended with Mrs. Kinsey's K4 class winning the Pizza Party prize with 77% participation! Our night would not have been possible without these superstars:
  • The Elphick Family, for their many hours of creativity and planning for our event.
  • Peggy Yates for your hours coordinating with FIT staff for this event.
  • FIT Staff for the hard work you always provide.
  • Mr. Bell and Mr. Smith for your BBQ skills.
  • The Kirkley family for the Little Caesar's Pizza deals.
  • Leigh-Ann Thompson for her amazing Mary Poppins impersonation.
  • Tess Fancher, Lara McMickle and the rest of the Booster Club for the many giveaways and the wonderful popcorn.
  • John Moraitakis and his Chick-fil-a at Alpharetta Commons for their giveaway goodies.
  • Brookfield Country Club for the golf foursome.
  • Brusters for the free cone cards.
  • Sweet Candy Store in Roswell for the goodie bag.
  • Our high school volunteers for their help.
  • The many parents who volunteered to help with the food, craft area, bathroom duty and clean up.
We also thank you for enthusiastically supporting our Box Tops Raffle. You raised $88 and collected 1,214 Box Tops for our ES PTF! The Winners of the Big Bags raffle were the Chapman and McMickle families. We will announce our next competition soon!

Tonight, Friday, October 4, at the Homecoming Game. We hope all our elementary families will join in this all-school celebration. Bring your snacks and picnic blanket and join our Fellowship community on the field house lawn. At the game, please consider supporting our Booster Club by grabbing dinner at the concession stand, as we cheer on our fantastic Paladins!  See you there!

Monday, October 14 is Grandparents' Day. It's right around the corner! Hallway Hosts, Class Coordinators, Photographers, and Class Hosts are still needed. Please contact your Room Mom to volunteer. Remember, only parents serving in the classrooms will be allowed to stay after Chapel due to space considerations. 

New this year! As always, our volunteer photographers will be taking photos of our students and their grandparents backed by the lovely hand-painted backdrops created by our own Leigh-Ann Thompson. In addition, we are excited to share that Scholastic Image Solutions, our school photographer, will be on site during Grandparents' Day to shoot professional portraits of our grandparents and grandchildren. This optional service will be available in the cafe area next to the lobby. These keepsake portraits will be available for purchase to take home the same day.

Remember, ES only dismisses at noon on Grandparents' Day. There will be no banquet on Monday evening following Grandparents' Day.

Tuesday, October 15, after school, 3:00 - 7:00 pm. Join us for dinner at the Chick-fil-A on Hwy 92 next to Super Target. Dress down passes will be awarded to elementary students who attend. More details to come!

Tuesday and Wednesday, October 15 & 16. More information to come.

Friday, October 11 - End of 1st Quarter
Friday, October 11 - Special chapel for parents only with MS/HS, 8:50 am, Gym 1
Monday & Tuesday, October 21 & 22 - Fall Break, No School

New 3rd floor classrooms are ready! Monday, October 7 will be the first day students will attend classes on the 3rd floor.  Mrs. Glover and Mrs. Walden are setting up their classrooms today getting ready for students to arrive on Monday. Our new Middle School offices at the MS entrance are still being completed. An open house and reception for our art studio and the whole new addition will be happening later this month. Watch for details! 

Wednesday, October 9 - no chapel
Friday, October 11, 8:50 am, Combined MS/HS Chapel, Gym 1
Bell schedules for chapel days are posted on RenWeb.

Friday & Saturday, October 11 & 12 Tread will be going Rock Climbing and Mountain Biking. Registration is due by Tuesday, October 8. Pick up information outside Room 201 or on the FCS website.

This study will meet monthly. The next meeting will be Friday, October 11, 7:00-9:00 pm.  Middle and high school mothers and daughters are invited to participate in this unique format designed to build closer relationships with each other and Christ through a study of Matthew. Led and hosted by Angie Dragt. For more information and to RSVP, contact Jacinda Kolosna, or 770-289-1444.

NO HALF DAY - Monday, October 14 is a full day of school for MS and HS. 

PICTURE PROOFS and order forms will be sent home the week of October 14-18. If your child was absent for pictures, picture retakes will be Tuesday, October 24.

Through October 17, bring in those Box Tops. This passive fundraiser provides much needed funds to support PTF events this year. Place Box Tops in a Ziploc bag with your student's name and grade written on it and drop it off in the office. At the end of the bonanza, the family collecting the most Box Tops will win some awesome Box Top goodies and a gift card to a local restaurant. 

Wednesday mornings, Gym 1 concession area;  the FCS chapter of FCA is selling Chick-fil-A biscuits for $3 or 2 biscuits for $5. (Biscuits must be eaten in the concession area only) Support of FCA is appreciated!

Monday and Wednesday, November 4 and November 6, 7:00 pm, ES Auditorium are new dates, time and place for our MS production, "Just Another Middle School Play". The excitement is building! Mark your calendars now! You don't want to miss it!

MS Parents: School is off to a fantastic start and we are excited to see God at work within our middle school! Recognizing and rewarding Christ-like character in our students is one of the ways we are encouraging students toward spiritual maturity. MS students have been divided into 14 "Paladin Packs", each pack, or team, includes students from all three middle grades.  Students earn points for their team by being nominated by teachers and other students for Christ-like behavior and modeling our "I Am Second" theme. At the end of 9 weeks the team with the most points will be rewarded in various ways. We are looking for a restaurant that will offer a discounted rate to middle school for this purpose, it will be greatly appreciated. If you would like to donate in some way to the Paladin Pack rewards or have questions contact Mark Rickman,

Parents, just a reminder  to notify school before 9:00 am each day if your student will be absent,  arriving late, or leaving early that day. Notification can be emailed to


Congratulations to this year's Homecoming Court! 
Freshmen Rachel Haigwood and Trevor Lewis
Sophomores Katy Van Breene, Cate Morton, Will Brigham, and Hunter Hollingsworth
Juniors:  Hayden Harvard, Ellen McMickle, Elise O’Neal, Michael Campagna, William Haigler, and Clay Poer
Senior Girls Baylee Corbett, Casey Foster, Maddie Harrison, and Caroline Stroud
Senior Boys Hunter Bryant, Jake Chandler, Clay Hostetter, and Sam Tuten
Our King and Queen will be crowned during halftime of the football game.

Saturday, October 5, 7:30-11:00 pm, High School Gym 1. Tickets are on sale after school today (Friday) for $15 each; tickets will be $20 each at the door. 

Friday & Saturday, October 11 & 12 Tread will be going rock climbing and mountain biking. Registration is due by Tuesday, October 8. Pick up information outside Room 201 or on the FCS website.

Wednesday, October 9 - no chapel
Friday, October 11, 8:50 am, Combined MS/HS Chapel, Gym 1
Bell schedules for chapel days are posted on RenWeb.

NO HALF DAY - Monday, October 14 is a full day of school for HS and MS. 

PICTURE PROOFS and order forms will be sent home the week of October 14-18. If your child was absent for pictures, picture retakes will be Tuesday, October 24.

Wednesday, October 16, 8:30 am - 12 noon, Gym 1, Sophomores and Juniors. Students should arrive to school by 8:30am on this day; bring a calculator and #2 pencils. Avoid making any appointments for students during this time.

Through October 17, bring in those Box Tops. This passive fundraiser provides much needed funds to support PTF events this year. Place Box Tops in a Ziploc bag with your student's name and grade written on it and drop it off in the office. At the end of the bonanza, the family collecting the most Box Tops will win some awesome Box Top goodies and a gift card to a local restaurant. 

Thursday October 24th at 6:30 p.m for The National Honor Society induction ceremony. All new inductees, their families, current NHS officers, and staff are invited to attend.   Current NHS members are not required to attend but are welcome.   The new National Honor Society inductees will be receiving a phone call communication of their acceptance beginning next week and a mailed invitation with more event details to follow.  

Parents, just a reminder  to notify school before 9:00 am each day if your student will be absent,  arriving late, or leaving early that day. Notification can be emailed to

High School welcomes two new clubs: Debate Team and National Drama Honor Society. Interested students should contact the office for information.

October 15 - DATE CORRECTION. Sophomore Parent Meeting/PLAN test results 
October 21 & 22 - Fall break
October 24 - Induction for Spanish Honor Society and NHS

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